

We’re a community of travelers inspiring new travelers through stories and reviews. We pay it forward, traveler to traveler. Our millennial-minded community believes in creating a better world through travel and encouraging everyone they know to go on programs that include meaningful cultural exchange.

As a company of travelers — who have studied, worked, taught, lived and volunteered overseas — we know what a stressful and difficult experience it is to find reliable information about programs abroad. Most people have more information when they buy a TV from Best Buy than when they choose a study or volunteer abroad program. That’s a big risk to take when you’re flying halfway across the world, not to speak of the financial commitment. This was a problem we wanted to solve with Go Overseas.

The site works in four ways:

  1. Explore Programs: Discover programs overseas to volunteer, teach, study, and more. Read reviews and interviews to find the perfect fit.
  2. Create a Wish List: Bookmark your favorite programs and save them for later. Then, compare them side by side.
  3. Connect with Travelers and Ask Questions: Want to learn more about a specific program? Get answers from travelers who have been there.
  4. Choose Your Program and Start Planning: Apply to program(s) that interest you and read articles to get answers to all of your pre-departure questions.


    • Length: Program offerings vary
    • Apply: Varies

Spud’s Thoughts:

During my undergrad years, I spent quite a bit of time abroad and it was some of the most impactful moments of my college career. Most people who study abroad will share a similar story. It would have been great to have this site at that time because I was mostly confined to the opportunities presented to me through my college’s department, or from random google searches.