

Resource Generation organizes a multi-racial constituency of young people with inherited, earned, or future wealth who are committed to working for a just world. The broader Resource Generation community includes people of all ages and class backgrounds who support the role that young people with wealth play in social change. Our cross-class allies participate as board members, trainers, and organizational partners. Our programs include:

  • Local Chapters anchor local RG communities across the country and host activities ranging from monthly meetings to workshops to donor circles. To find the nearest chapter to you, visit our local chapter page.
  • Organizing young people of color with wealth to examine, build community, and take action from the intersection of economic and class privilege and racism.
  • A commitment to racial justice woven throughout our programming and practices; centralizing the understanding that we cannot dismantle the class system without addressing historical and contemporary racism. Read more here on “Why Resource Generation is Committed to Racial Justice.
  • Action Projects are local or national initiatives taken on by groups of Resource Generation members. Projects include donor circles and campaigns around fair taxation. Future projects will focus on giving, investing and advocacy.
  • RG organizes member delegations to attend conferences and other events. RG delegations have participated in the U.S. Social Forum in 2008 and 2010, as well as several Council on Foundations conferences. 
  • Our Family Philanthropy Program organizes young people who want to transform their own family funds and the field of family philanthropy to support social change. Read more about our family philanthropy program here.


    • Length: Varies depending on the program
    • Apply: Varies

Spud’s Thoughts:

I just found out about this group this morning, so I don’t know much about them. As a white male, I’m always aware of the role my privilege plays in the work I do, and the opportunities that exist to me. I can’t speak to this group in particular because I don’t have any experience with them, but it seems like they are doing a lot of work in the space.