

The Center for Courage & Renewal runs a wide range of programs built on the Circle of Trust framework which helps folks create a process of shared exploration around the inner work of a changemaker. A team of trained facilitators around the country offer a wide range of programs focused on everything from Profession-Specific programs (such as for people of faith, educators, and health care), Life & Work, and Transforming Teams.

These retreats and gatherings often help participants find a deepened sense of purpose and meaning, expand their capacity to listen and be present, improve their ability to build trustworthy relationships, renew their passion for work and find a deeper commitment to serving others.


  • Length: Varies – be sure to check their site
  • Apply: Varies – be sure to check their site

Spud’s Thoughts:

There’s a lot offered through this organization, and the few trained facilitators I know that are a part of the organization are wonderful people. I love their focus on helping people explore the inner work we all must engage on related to our changemaking journey. Their website also has lots of resources that you can scan through that may spark new ideas or insights.