

Open Masters supports bold, creative learners by inspiring, connecting, and telling the stories of self-directed learners and community builders creating their own learning experiences in new and imaginative ways. They have developed a framework and process for completing an Open Master’s through a self-organized, grassroots community. They also create tools and resources and facilitate shared experiences like Beginnings, retreats, and short-term learning challenges.


  • Length: Varies – be sure to check their site
  • Apply: Varies – be sure to check their site

Spud’s Thoughts:

If you are looking for a group committed to the art of self-directed learning – look no further. Even if you aren’t interested in doing a ‘masters’ degree – don’t let the name confuse you. The term Open Masters really refers to the ability to openly take control of your learning and pursue mastery in a subject area of your choice. Open Masters also has an excellent set of cards that will help you on your learning journey called the Wayfinder Kit.