

Betabox allows you to create anywhere. They deliver on-demand prototyping experiences in custom lab spaces built inside of fully-equipped shipping containers. These labs are carefully designed to provide your team with all of the prototyping equipment and tools necessary for innovation and educational needs. Whether you’re a K-12 school, a university, or a company seeking to do corporate innovation, Betabox is the perfect rapid prototyping solution for classes, events, conferences, and community outreach.

With a team of engineers, designers, and educators, and a presence in Raleigh, St. Louis, and San Francisco, our on-demand mobile labs enable the launch of an collaborative makerspace facility anywhere in the world.


  • Length: Varies, typically over a few months
  • Apply: Varies, check their website for specific programs

Spud’s Thoughts:

Sometimes you just need a portable prototyping lab – BetaBox is that solution! The thing I like most about this group is the ability to introduce creative thinking into otherwise unremarkable spaces. When you place an innovation lab in the middle of a parking lot or on the sidewalk outside your office, it causes people to think twice about the way they interact with the world around them. Innovation and creativity doesn’t happen in neat pre-designated spaces – it often happens chaotically and where you least expect. BetaBox allows you to have a lab with all your tools in those unsuspecting spaces.