

3 Day Startup (“3DS”) teaches entrepreneurial skills to university students in an extreme hands-on environment. This proven program provides students the tools they need to start successful companies. Over 11,000 3DS alumni from 290+ programs across 6 continents–at over 150 schools including Harvard, MIT, WHU (Germany), Technion (Israel), and the University of Texas–have launched more than 90 companies that have collectively raised $70 million in investor capital.

Over 30 companies emerging from 3DS have been accepted to prestigious accelerators such as Y Combinator, TechStars, and Capital Factory. While early programs focused strictly on technology- and web-enabled startups, demand has led the team to expand the program to function across broader entrepreneurial endeavors. Schools have hosted 3DS programs focused on themes such as social innovation, energy, culinary, hardware, and more.


  • Length: 3 days
  • Apply: Varies, check their website for specific programs

Spud’s Thoughts:

3DS is everywhere – each year they seem to add a new country and area of focus. They’ve begun to dabble with running social innovation themed events which I think is really exciting. But regardless of the theme, the experience is really relevant if you are beginning to ask the question whether pursuing the path of an entrepreneur, or being a member of a startup organization, is right for you. It’s all learning by doing!