

College students from across the country are invited to the Ignite Retreat in North Carolina to explore what it means to be explore alternative career paths as a changemaker. Facilitators and speakers will guide students over 3 days through a hands-on experience to explore how their skills and gifts contribute to creating a better world. Prominent social entrepreneurs and community organizers will join student participants throughout the weekend to share their personal journeys and lessons they’ve learned over the years.

From igniting passions to igniting ideas – the weekend is filled with exciting workshops, activities and opportunities to connect you with a tribe of like-minded individuals. There are three tracks during the retreat and throughout the weekend you are welcome to bounce between any of the workshops that you feel are most relevant to your journey.

  1. Personal
    For those uncovering their calling, who want to better understand their skills and passions, build self-confidence, and explore the mindset of a social entrepreneur.
  2. Problems
    Designed for those who have a set of problems that they want to work on but are unsure how to get involved. This track gives you concrete and practical skills.
  3. Project
    This track is for those who would like to dive deeply into one concrete solution, campus initiative, project, or venture they are actively trying to bring to life.


  • Length: 3 days every April and October
  • Apply: Tickets available up until 2 weeks out from event

Spud’s Thoughts:

I have the privilege of working with the Sullivan Foundation to help design and host this gathering. I’ve been running it since 2012 and it has been an incredibly diverse and powerful community that joins together each year. One of the key components when designing the gathering was to ensure that participants have plenty of time to simply hang out with others who are actively engaged in changemaking work. We focus heavily on the ‘retreat’ element to the weekend. In addition, we feature lots of the organizations and tools featured on this website during the weekend. So if programs or groups intrigue you on this list, join us in North Carolina to experience more of it in-person!