

Diversity work is a radical call to embrace difference. It means challenging our conditioned patterns, biased views, and unjust practices. This workshop aims to free us to care more deeply for each other and to discover new and dynamic collaborations.

  • Legislation and policies are necessary, but not sufficient, because they only regulate bigotry, injustice, and oppression.
  • For long term, positive change we must include inner transformation.
  • Deeply honest, direct, and sometimes painful conversations are a key in this inner transformation, both personally and collectively.

Join us for a new and unique offering to the field of diversity work. Our Freedom and Fairness workshop brings a unique approach to personal and cultural development by combining four domains of knowledge and practice:

  • Integral Theory
  • Mindfulness Practice
  • Adult Developmental Psychology
  • Communication Skills and Techniques

Our trainings are highly experiential and engage the group in dialogues and exercises intended to awaken understanding of identity politics, emotional and relational intelligence, fear and unconscious biases, and embodied presence.

This experience is complemented with live demonstrations and unique “pointing out” instructions, making the subtle group dynamics more visible to everyone. Like a sports team reviewing the last play on the sidelines, you will have the opportunity to freeze frame and zoom in and out on the play-by-play.

Join Gabriel Wilson and Diane Musho Hamilton for a two and half day diversity workshop for anyone interested in creating cultures of freedom, fairness, and psychological safety.


  • Length: Weekend, April 7-9, 2017
  • Apply: Leading up to the event

Spud’s Thoughts:

I don’t know the team personally that is organizing this gathering, but it was recommended to me by a trusted friend who does incredible reconciliation and inner journey facilitation. He described it as ‘the real deal.’ If you’ve never found yourself in a retreat setting with others looking to go one layer deeper than they typically do in their day-to-day lives, I’d really encourage you to check out gatherings like this one.