

This is your time. Make it count. To get you there, the ThinkHouse is a ten-month action-learning residential pre-accelerator program in Raleigh, NC based out of a fully renovated house in the Boylan Heights neighborhood. The ThinkHouse is focused on helping emerging entrepreneurs (you!) put bold ideas into action while creating impactful lives.

Designed by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, the ThinkHouse offers an extraordinary experience for participating Fellows, including:

  • Build a venture from promising idea to a scalable platform with growing revenue;
  • Develop a strong community of fellow entrepreneurs and a robust network of mentors;
  • Create a comprehensive entrepreneurial life plan with accountability partners; and
  • Cultivate connections with the media, investors, and potential business development partners.

The intensive ten-month experience focuses on equipping you with the confidence, competence, knowledge and networks necessary to lead an extraordinary life, build healthy teams, and launch a successful venture.  In addition to a strong emphasis on personal leadership development, and team building, the ThinkHouse program is a hands-on boot camp to help you develop a viable product/service and get to revenue.


  • Length: 10 months
  • Apply: May

Spud’s Thoughts:

I’ve visited the ThinkHouse before and love any group that’s working to launch innovative co-living spaces. Although focused more broadly on entrepreneurship, they are connected to some great mentors and resources throughout Raleigh. If you have a venture you are looking to get off the ground, this could be a great incubator program for you to check out.