

We build powerful communities of practice for mission-driven leaders to connect, learn, and collaborate with each other. The industry resources we develop for conveners and accelerators break down organizational silos and unlock the collective potential of the Impact Ecosystem.

With 600+ impact-focused conferences occurring each year and the rapid launch of a new accelerator on a seemingly daily basis, the impact ecosystem is getting crowded. Opportunity costs are high, as organizations operate in silos. Information is fragmented and resources are spread thin.

Conveners.org was created to foster coordination, collaboration, and learning among impact-focused conveners and accelerators. We are a nonprofit organization that develops programs, tools, and resources to support these communities in advancing systems-level change.

Conveners.org membership connects you to a community of trusted peers and dedicated industry leaders who use the powerful tool of convening to advance positive change. Become a member and gain access to unique benefits.

Spud’s Thoughts:

I love this group! Had a talk with their founder recently and really resonating with the need for a single group to unite the folks that are doing the behind-the-scenes ecosystem building around the world for impact-focused communities. If you find yourself as one of those builders, definitely consider jumping into their community.