

Nearly one in three working Americans is an independent worker. That’s almost 54 million people – and growing. At Freelancers Union, we strive to make freelancing better now and in the future through joint benefits, live member events, expert guides, and online networking opportunities.

Freelancers Union gives independent workers a powerful voice through political action, research, and thought leadership. We aim to ensure that independent contractors receive adequate rights, protections and professional benefits.

Members of Freelancers Union play an active role in leading community initiatives and advocacy campaigns.  We’re a community that looks out for one another – and we’re only as strong as our members.

Pave a better freelance future for yourself and for all – join Freelancers Union today.

Spud’s Thoughts:

For some of us who choose a changemaking career, it involves a lot of freelance work. In my early days, I found freelancing (web design, graphics, curriculum design, etc) to be a great way to make money and still have lots of free time to work on my ventures. The challenge was that I had a LOT to learn on how to best manage my freelancing career and ended up making it all up as I went. Freelancer Union helps remove some of those unknowns. One of my favorite things about their site is a list of resources you can look through – which helps when writing contracts, finding insurance, and everything in between unique to freelancers.