

Challenge Detroit is a leadership and professional development program that invites approximately 30 of tomorrow’s leaders to live, work, play, give, and lead in and around the greater Detroit area for one year. During the course of the year, Fellows contribute intellectually and through hands-on service making incremental impact in the community. Learning by doing is a cornerstone of the program and the Fellows have the courage, passion, and drive to make a difference. Can retaining and attracting 30 of the best and brightest innovative thinkers really make a difference? Detroit is betting on it. Challenge Detroit fellows have the courage, passion, and drive to make a difference.


  • Length: 1 year
  • Apply: March

Spud’s Thoughts:

I love the concept behind Challenge Detroit! Some of my favorite towns around the country have kickstarted their creative vibe through residency programs. Challenge Detroit is one of the best of these programs that I’ve heard of. There seems to be a decent amount of support from community partners and they are bringing in enough individuals to create a dynamic community during your time in the program. Also, Detroit just has some incredible movers and shakers who call that city home – so you will definitely be in good company during your time there!!