

Climate Tracker started with the belief that with the right support, any young person around the world can become a powerful voice for climate change.

Since 2009 we have brought incredibly talented teams of young reporters to the UN climate negotiations, where they have infamously become known as Negotiator Trackers. Their combination of passion, insight and drive made us realise how powerful young citizen journalists can become.

Over the years we slowly expanded our programs until 2014, refining our understanding of the global media landscape.

Then in 2015, we offered one-on-one trainings, skills development courses and mentorships that helped hundreds of young journalists shape their national climate change debate. We created 58 webinars and training videos and published over 2000 articles around the world.

This year we continue to connect with young people around the world through 7 different regional Hubs, acting as training grounds for young Climate Trackers around the world.

We have engaged thousands of young people across dozens of languages. We have published articles in over 107 different countries and continue to believe that any young person with the right support and persistence can shape their national media landscape.

Whether you are a first time writer or a seasoned journalist, this app, is your chance to join this movement.

Spud’s Thoughts:

I don’t much about this group – but I’ve found out about a few opportunities through them. I love that they have dedicated ‘hubs’ (facebook groups) for individuals from different parts of the world interested in tracking climate news.