

On campuses across the country, students run a successful social enterprise—a grilled cheese deli— to raise money and build public support for the end of extreme hunger and poverty. In the process students gain critical business, leadership and teamwork skills that serve them throughout their lives.

Every dollar students raise is invested in the Commitment 2030 Fund: A select group of organizations working to fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): a global initiative to eliminate extreme hunger and poverty by achieving an economically prosperous, socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable human presence on the planet by 2030.


  • Apply: View website for details on how to set-up a chapter at your college

Spud’s Thoughts:

One of the things I love about this group is how student-focused they are. Their board of directors is made up primarily of students and alumni of their program and they really prioritize including their opinions in the design of their programming, events and summits.