

Our flagship program, the Hive Global Leaders Program, is a 3-day leadership training program for mission-driven leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs held at the Innovation Hangar at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. It is designed as the entry into a lifelong community of leaders working together on creating a better world.

Over the last few years, Hive has built a global alumni community of nearly 1200 leaders and entrepreneurs from 100 countries who are working on creating a better world.

Hive Global Leaders so far include CEOs of $250 million companies, award-winning Ashoka Fellows, elected leaders, neuroscientists, Olympic Gold Medalists, Rwandan genocide-survivors turned inspiring public speakers, technology entrepreneurs, Harvard and Stanford professors, Sudanese refugees turned scientists, renewable energy investors, Nepalese activists, World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders, IDEO design thinkers, top engineers from Facebook, Google, and Apple, World Bank and UN researchers, venture capitalists, Virgin Galactic astronauts, and many more extraordinary leaders working to create a better world.

Hive isn’t a regular conference at all, but instead is a in-person three-day collaboration with extraordinarily talented creatives and innovators from 30+ countries designed to welcome you into an extremely high quality peer network for you throughout the rest of your life regardless of where you travel or what journey you take. The Hive community will always be with you wherever you go. At Hive, there are few handshakes and business cards exchanged, and a lot of hugs and lifelong relationships formed.


  • Length: 3 days, varies
  • Apply: Varies, check website

Spud’s Thoughts:

Some of my favorite humans who are shaking up good in the world have been involved in Hive in some capacity. It is a bit expensive but they do offer scholarships for those who really need it. One of the things I would love to see more of is a Hive model adapted for smaller communities scattered around the country. A lot of participants do seem to come from big companies and Hive is headquartered out of SF, although they are launching in Boston soon. I personally would love to see more of a focus on these type of gatherings brought to other areas of the country rather than always directing things back to the key hubs of innovation that we think of – SF, NYC, DC, Boston, etc. That being said – I think the program is great and it’s definitely worth looking into.