

On December 5th, 2016 we launched a boycott unlike anything this nation has seen since the Civil Rights Movement. We refuse to support banks, corporations, politicians, or police who profit from a racist, violent, criminal, political, and economic system.

“We have STRENGTH IN NUMBERS. Without our money, the banks and corporations can’t afford to invest in injustice.” – Shaun King

Spud’s Thoughts:

Shaun King has been organizing this since the end of 2016 and they’ve generated some impressive wins by getting cities to end contracts with certain banks and funders behind initiatives like the Dakota Access Pipeline. Shaun will share various things you can do via email to join the movement – from tweets to send or groups you should pull your money out of. Built on the precedent of boycotts during the civil rights movement, they are hoping to galvanize a similar mass of people to put pressure on the economic systems in our country.