

LAUNCH was founded by NASA, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. Department of State and NIKE, Inc., who joined together to identify, showcase and support innovative approaches to sustainability challenges. Each year, they identify a theme where they source innovations tackling creative solutions to that problem area – from water to energy to materials.

The process in which LAUNCH is built upon is unique. It starts by identifying a challenge and sourcing as much insight and wisdom on the barriers and challenges to addressing sustainability within that challenge area. From there, they scan the landscape for any innovative solutions being pursued around the world. That list is narrowed to the top innovators who are invited in to start the accelerator. Experts and thought-leaders from their expansive network help provide resources, funding and contacts to quickly amplify the impact of the innovative solutions.

LAUNCH has also spun off a Nordic-focused incubator – you can learn more at www.launch.org/nordic


  • Length: Varies – check the website
  • Apply: Varies – check the website

Spud’s Thoughts:

I participated in a LAUNCH forum a few years ago. The structure for the gathering was quite impressive – each innovators was assigned a dedicated note-taker who spent the few days accompanying the individual and anytime a potential commitment or offer of help was given by an expert in the room, the note-taker would jot it down and be sure to follow-up with everyone to make sure nothing was lost. In just a few days, an incredible amount of insight and support was offered back and forth. Given that the program was started by a series of largely government organizations and corporate sponsores, there is a bit of formality and ‘show’ to it all, so it tends to attract a different type of innovator from the nimble grassroots and startup organizations I spend a lot of time with. Nonetheless, the gathering of individuals is quite impressive!