

Living Future is the forum for leading minds in the green building movement seeking solutions to the most daunting global issues of our time. The three-day conference features keynote speakers such as Van Jones, Kirsti Luke, and Naomi Klein.

Out-of-the-ordinary learning and networking formats lend to the design strategies and cutting-edge technical information that abounds at Living Future. Come celebrate a 11 years of innovation, and experience the added noteworthy twists that will exemplify the essence of the unConference.


  • Apply: April
  • Length: 3 days in May

Spud’s Thoughts:

I love unconferences – they tend to be far more hands-on and conducive for having good conversations with other participants. This event allows you to volunteer for a discounted rate if cost is an issue for you. I personally have never been but I love the work that the Living Futures Institute is doing, especially for those who have a passion for the built environment. They look at sustainability from a holistic perspective and have a lot of different initiatives they are working on. The unconference gives you a taste to meet the people working on these making our built environment more sustainable from around the world.