

Newman’s Own Foundation places considerable emphasis on mentoring and training emerging young leaders by providing opportunities in the philanthropic sector.
In 2015, the first formal class of Newman’s Own Foundation Fellows was created. This program gives young people valuable, real-world experience, which provides insight into the historically significant role of the philanthropic sector in society and helps them learn about opportunities that they may not otherwise discover.
Newman’s Own Foundation has, for many years, hired college students for one-semester internships, as well as recent college graduates for full-year fellowships.
The first class of six amazing Fellows had an outstanding year, learning from their experiences and contributing great value to their respective organizations. The success of this class informed the Foundation’s decision to scale up the program and double the size of the incoming class for 2016-2017.
In addition to the Fellowship program, Newman’s Own Foundation provides grants to organizations such as Echoing Green, Net Impact, and Social Enterprise Greenhouse, helping to empower young adults who are brimming with energy to change the world.


  • Length: 1 year fellowship
  • Apply: Looks like you may need to work with a recruitment partner org

Spud’s Thoughts:

I follow the work of the Bonner Foundation which is how I came across this opportunity. Seems like they are just growing the program and I’m a bit unclear as to how you apply – or if you need to work through one of their existing recruitment orgs. You may need to do a bit of digging into how to apply, but looks interesting.