

Take a journey through our network of ecovillages, intentional communities, permaculture farms, social projects and retreat centers.We connect people to meaningful experiences to facilitate personal transformation and accelerate the development of impact centers. An impact center is a land based project that offers individual transformation, regenerative living education and strives to leave a positive local impact. An impact center could be an ecovillage, organic farm, yoga retreat center, or even a hostel, as long as they meet the criteria below.

  1. Earth Care
    Emphasis on whole-system sustainability and/or holistic health & well-being
  2. Education
    Provides retreats, workshops, courses and/or work-exchange or volunteering
  3. Accommodation
    Has the capacity to host individuals on-site for short or long-term stays

Through our own exploration, we have found thousands of hubs globally that are examples of sustainable and holistic living, producing practical, low-cost solutions to the global climate crisis. These hubs incorporate ideals like community living, whole systems design, appropriate technology, seed banking, holistic health, and regenerative enterprise. Through our platform, we envision these impact centers becoming more accessible to the world and easily sharing crucial information and resources.

We believe that a travel journey that takes us outside of our comfort zones is often the first step in expanding our worldview, finding a global community, and experiencing the simplicity and liberation of living without many possessions. Transformational travel takes this concept a step further through exposure to projects that will replace one’s societal conditioning with a whole new way of being. Through our platform and shared media, we are empowering people who are unfulfilled in their lives to take a journey that will ignite a new life-changing path.

Our team is enthusiastic about building a global movement of passionate people and land stewards to co-create a thriving planet for us and future generations.


  • Length: Occasionally they host gatherings, check the website for details
  • Apply: Varies

Spud’s Thoughts:

Some of my most trusted travel friends turned me onto this group. It’s essentially another great portal of transformational travel opportunities. I love that they focus on building up local impact centers. When traveling, the more you can tap into the incredible work happening on the ground and committed to the long-term sustainability of the region and people who call that place home, the more I have always taken away fro the experience.