

The Open Streets Project is an advocacy project led by The Street Plans Collaborative. The goal of the project is to share information about open streets and increase the number, size, and frequency of initiatives occurring across North America.

The Open Streets Project began in early 2010, when Street Plans began examining the breadth and diversity of open streets initiatives in the United States and Canada. In the fall of 2010, Street Plans teamed with the Alliance for Biking and Walking with the goal of reaching local advocates and open streets organizers across North America.

The Open Streets Project includes a published guide and this interactive website, which allows advocates and new open streets organizers to explore open streets efforts in other peer cities. It also allows seasoned open streets organizers to continually update and share best practices, maps, photos, videos, and publicity materials via the individual initiative blog feature.

Spud’s Thoughts:

If you go to their website, they have a google group that you can sign up for where you’re able to ask questions and seek advice from folks doing these projects in cities across the country. If you are interested in trying to make your public spaces more vibrant, this is a great way to focus your energy and get local leaders bought in on your idea.