

With roots deep in the Amazon rainforest, our programs integrate indigenous wisdom with modern knowledge to support personal, and collective, transformation that is the catalyst to bringing forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on this planet.

Pachamama Journeys are purposeful, transformative travel immersions that go well beyond traditional eco-tourism or adventure travel. We journey at the request of our indigenous partners who invite us to visit and learn from their ancient cultures and pristine rainforest so that we may carry their wisdom and message home.

Thoughtfully designed and informed by 20 years of experience, each Pachamama Journey is an extraordinary opportunity to step away from the familiar and immerse yourself in an expansive new way of seeing the world.


  • Length: Varies, check site
  • Apply: Varies, check site

Spud’s Thoughts:

I love the work of the Pachamama Alliance. They do a lot of different things – of which their journeys are just one element. Programs that connect us to our societal roots, elders and ancestry are so needed in the field of changemaking. Pachamama has been working for over 20 years learning from the wisdom of communities in the Amazon rainforest. If you are looking for a well-respected group that will ground your work in ancient wisdom, definitely check these guys out!