

The Red Bull Amaphiko Academy is a launchpad for grassroots social entrepreneurs who are making a positive difference in their community. Over the course of 10 days, participants receive inspiration and mentorship, as well as the practical skills and tools needed to take their projects to the next level. Started in 2014, the Academy has been hosted in South Africa and Brazil; this year it will touch down in the US for the very first time, taking place August 11-20 in Baltimore, Maryland. Applications open on March 1 and close on April 30, 2017 so make sure you sign up for the newsletter and follow along on social media for news and additional application information.

The ten day Academy will take place in Baltimore. You’ll take part in inspiring workshops and lectures, and will work on your projects with leading experts and mentors. You’ll also network with social innovators from across the USA and the world. Participants will be offered a bespoke 18 month post-academy development program, which offers access to incredible opportunities and networks. If you are selected as a finalist or attendee for the Amaphiko Academy, all required travel, accommodations, and daily expenses will be covered by Red Bull Amaphiko. You must be a US resident and at least 18 years old at the time of application to participate.


  • Length: 10 days
  • Apply: April

Spud’s Thoughts:

I don’t know much about this gathering but in looking into it, I noticed that some friends and folks I follow online will be speaking at the gathering. The event does cover costs for attendees if you are selected, so it looks like a really cool opportunity.