

Echoing Green Fellows are the innovators, instigators, pioneers, and rebels that reject the status quo and drive positive social change all over the world. While their work, their geographies, and even their approaches may be as varied as the problems they are working to solve, their common passion and commitment form the base of this robust, active community of leaders.

Their signature Global Fellowship is open to any social entrepreneur, from anywhere in the world, with an innovative solution for any issue. Their Black Male Achievement Fellowship supports leaders dedicated to improving the life outcomes of black men and boys in the United States. Their Climate Fellowship, built in partnership with the ZOOM Foundation, was launched for leaders committed to mitigation and adaptation to climate change.


  • Length: The fellowship lasts for 2 years
  • Apply: Due every year in October
  • Funding: A stipend of $80,000 for individuals (or $90,000 for two-person partnerships) paid in four equal installments over two years + a health insurance stipend and yearly professional development stipend

Spud’s Thoughts:

This Fellowship is an amazing program for emerging social entrepreneurs. The selection process is incredibly competitive so it requires that you have a novel and well-thought out venture. I’ve gone through the application process before and, despite not being selected for the fellowship, I found it to be really valuable to clarify my work.

If you don’t have a venture yourself to apply with, another great thing to do is simply scan through their fellows page to see what new innovations are being explored right now, and then reach out to that entrepreneur. This is a great way to get inspired by others who are pioneering change.