

The Booking Booster Programme’s aim to turn tourism into a force for good by supporting a select group of extraordinary startups as they look to scale their businesses and impact globally, working together toward a more sustainable future for the global tourism industry.

Successful applicants will be invited to our 3-week Booking.com Booster Programme, have a chance to pitch for grants of up to €500,000, receive mentorship to help guide them in the growth and development of their businesses, and become part of a network of organisations working to make the travel industry more sustainable.

  1. Booster Programme
    Between 8 and 12 startups will be selected to spend 3 weeks in June 2017 at Booking.com headquarters in Amsterdam. Two representatives per startup will have the opportunity to learn about scaling their business, growing and measuring their social impact, organisational growth, marketing, enhancing their value proposition, investing, financial practices and more.
  2. Financial Support
    Startups that are invited to participate in the programme must demonstrate that they are ready to scale their businesses and to have a positive impact on multiple destinations. At the end of the 3-week programme in Amsterdam, they will have the opportunity to pitch their scaling plan to our judges and ask for a grant of anywhere between €100-500k to execute their plan. Read more in the Terms & Conditions.
  3. Mentorship
    Booking.com experts will be available to mentor startups in executing their scaling plan. Mentorship will be available for 6 to 9 months, starting during the 3-week booster programme in Amsterdam.


  • Length: 3 weeks
  • Apply: March

Spud’s Thoughts:

This is a new program that was developed in partnership with Impact Hub. Excited to see what comes of the program given that this is its’ first year running.