

The Heart Series is a 2-day conference, held annually during Valentine’s week/President’s Day weekend, centered around the intersection of business x bettering the world. The occasion provides a platform for companies to share and learn best practices for purpose-driven business, with both days comprised of talks, panels, and workshops. The event has featured thought leaders from various socially conscious brands including Jessica Alba’s Honest Company, Rainn Wilson’s Soul Pancake, Olivia Wilde’s Conscious Commerce, Etsy, TOMS, Seventh Generation, xPrize, Kiva, Causecast, Do Something, and many more, and has been attended by close to 400+ companies striving to do-good through business.

If you’re an entrepreneur or brand leader interested in how your business can make a bigger impact in the world, this is the conference for you!


  • Length: 2-days in February
  • Apply: Up until the conference date

Spud’s Thoughts:

I’ve never attended this conference before – it simply came through my inbox through another group I trust a lot – ReWork. Seems like a good gathering of folks!