

ThinkImpact is not a study abroad, or a service trip. We are a team of social entrepreneurs, composed of students, community members, faculty, partners and supporters. We offer the chance to innovate and collaborate in developing countries on real enterprises, addressing real problems.

Our approach is built on two principles:

  • Working on identifying assets instead of needs
  • Collaborating in partnership instead of as a solution

 With ThinkImpact you will have an experience that will not only train you in design thinking, social entrepreneurship and fieldwork; you’ll start or contribute to an enterprise that can generate incomes, promote health, feed, empower community engagement, or educate, to name a few.

 We measure your impacts, so both you and your local partner can see your progress, and leave the institute with results to point to and an enterprise that we will tirelessly support. You’ll be able to follow it’s updated progress online and use it as a manifestation of your education.

The ThinkImpact experience is completely unique. Prepare yourself for rural immersion, intense innovation and a lot of fun! See how others have made an Impact!


  • Length: Summer
  • Apply: Varies, check website

Spud’s Thoughts:

A friend of mine did this program for a summer and loved it.