

Walk [Your City] helps you boost your community’s walkability, linking informational street signs for people with web-based campaign management and data collection to complement traditional approaches to wayfinding.

  • Experiment. Test with a pilot before you invest in more permanent pedestrian infrastructure.
  • Engage. Create new, approachable opportunities for public participation.
  • Encourage. Change community transportation choices for the better.
  • Educate. Help both neighbors and visitors see that it’s not too far to walk.

Spud’s Thoughts:

I first discovered this group in Chattanooga while I was visiting the city. The concept was so simple – basic signs that simply tell you how far it is to walk somewhere. I found it impacting my own discovery of the town and it would encourage me to go out and discover something new. Their website is a great tool and resource to launch your own signs for your town.