

The mission of the World Social Marketing Conference is to act as a vehicle to help build a global movement dedicated to capturing, spreading and nurturing good practice in Social Marketing (aka Behavior Change Marketing), as well as increase the efficiency and effectiveness of Social Marketing practice at both operational and strategic levels.

We are committed to running the World conference at locations around the world every two years to in order to build a truly global community of Social Marketers. At our last conference representatives from over 40 countries came together to exchange ideas and good practice

Social Marketing is a set of evidence and experience based concepts techniques and principles that provide a systematic approach to understanding behaviour and developing social interventions that work. It is a fusion of science, experience and practical ‘know how’.

New ideas and evidence will be presented by global thought leaders and practitioners. The event will bring together practitioners, academics, policy makers, researchers and industry to explore and enrich Social Marketing practice around the world.


  • Length: 2 days, typically in May
  • Apply: April

Spud’s Thoughts:

I completed my thesis on behavior change marketing techniques while living in Sweden. I find it to be a fascinating field where there is so much science behind how you should effectively communicate messages to the public to get them to change their behavior. I haven’t been to this conference, but if you have any interest in behavior change, I would find a gathering or portal like this to jump into and start exploring.