

The Young People For (YP4) Fellowship is a yearlong leadership development program for young people committed to creating positive social change in their communities. Fellows represent diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and approaches to social change, and they are working on many different progressive issues on campuses and in communities across the country.

  • The Blueprint for Social Justice: Blueprint for Social Justice, to address a need in their community. With support from staff, their Fem/Mentors, and the opportunity to gain a small seed grant, Fellows work to implement their Blueprint project, before and after their Fellowship, using the skills developed throughout the Fellowship year.
  • Regional Training: At the beginning of each new Fellowship year, Fellows convene with others in their region to learn foundational social justice leadership skills through workshops, guest trainers, and discussions.
  • Fem/Mentorship: Fellows are paired with an alum based on skill set, issue area, and region. Each Fellow works with their Fem/Mentor to advance their leadership development and develop their Blueprints for Social Justice.
  • The National Summit: In February, all Fellows convene to further develop leadership skills, gain tools and resources necessary to create change through their projects, and network with leaders in the progressive movement.
  • Civic Engagement Opportunities: At the core of Social Justice is civic engagement which lays the foundation for our Vote and Courts Matter initiatives. These initiatives are additional learning cohorts that are a part of our leadership development cycle. Learn more about them be checking out our Civic Engagement page.
  • Lifelong opportunities: After the Fellowship year, Fellows continue to connect with, learn from, support, and collaborate with other emerging and established progressive leaders and organizations at the forefront of fights for social justice across the country and around the world.

Upon successful completion of the Fellowship year, Fellows enter our growing Alumni network of nearly 1,700 progressive leaders across the country and gain access to our Advanced Leadership and Alumni opportunities. Our alumni engagement opportunities ensure that the relationships made and the work completed during the Fellowship year are sustained and supported long-term. We assist alumni with internship placements, job opportunities, trainings, and networking opportunities to enhance their impact as young leaders.


    • Length: 1 year
    • Apply: January

Spud’s Thoughts:

I don’t know much about this group personally, but I’m definitely intrigued. It appears more and more fellowship style programs are launching. Having been a part of similar programs myself, I can speak to the value that you get from being connected to a tight-knit cohort like this one.