LEAPYEAR is a full academic year of experience, adventure & reflection to cultivate the whole person. Travel with a cohort of your peers, engage in self-inquiry at our California retreats, and create your dream internship while receiving a year of college credit.Anywhere -
Circle, Song and Ceremony
Circle, Song and Ceremony - a leadership retreat for those who believe it is time to wake up individually and together. -
Alternative Divinity School
Open Masters helps people design self-directed and community supported degreesAnywhere -
Pachamama Alliance Journeys
Pachamama Alliance is a global community that offers people the chance to learn, connect, engage, travel and cherish life for the purpose of creating a sustainable future that works for all. -
Vision Fast
The School of Lost Borders offers vision fasts and rites of passage training which cultivate self-trust, responsibility, and understanding about ones' unique place within society and the natural world.Anywhere